Bird Photography Equipment on a Budget

I’m frequently asked about what kind of equipment I’m using or what kind of equipment one should choose.

I don’t always have the opportunity to give an answer as precise as I would like, I thought a page describing the equipment I’m using could be a good idea. Let me start by saying that I tend to be always on a budget, I try to maximize what I get from my gear as much as possible, this involves expending lots of time getting close to my subjects, studying them and learning from they behavior. And above all, having lots of patience.

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Complete Book of North American Owls

Wohoooo! The Complete Book of North American Owls is coming this April with three of my pictures! Hope you can get the book if you can. Its a great read with great images. Excellent for any nature lover!

This book includes:

  • Each species has its own extensive introduction that explains its hunting techniques, courtship rituals, nesting habits, territorial calls, and specialized traits.
  • Six pages of stunning full-color images devoted to each owl capture the elusive bird in its various forms from juvenile to adult, male/female, and also in flight.
  • Comprehensive backgrounds on each of the twenty owl species include identification features, habitats, and behaviors.

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