A few weeks ago, American Bird Conservancy run a pretty nice article featuring one of my images of the Wood Thrush in the tropical Rainforest of Costa Rica.

Every year, millions of Wood Thrush take to the skies and trade one chain of gentle mountains for another. They travel along the rolling ridge of the Appalachians, across the Gulf of Mexico, and after brief sojourns to rest and refuel, alight in the humid forests of Central America. For many, Nicaragua is their final stop. They settle in for the winter.

Scientists have found that more than half of all Wood Thrush breeding populations depend on this part of Central America for food and shelter during the nonbreeding part of their life-cycle. As conservationists learn more about the impact of deforestation on population declines, they are increasingly focusing their efforts on specific regions where the loss of habitat is particularly acute. The thickly forested swath of Nicaragua known as the Bosawas Biosphere Reserve is one such place.

Read the full Article Here